Econ 101: The merits of a market economy

The efficiency of a market-based allocation of goods is something taught very early on to students of economics. But once in a while it’s good to remind ourselves of it, especially since it sounds like propaganda in the ear of some. Ask yourself, in which bus shelter would you rather prefer to wait for the bus. The new and shiny one on the picture above where you’re exposed to the latest fashion advertising. Or the neutral one below? Continue reading Econ 101: The merits of a market economy

Advertising fail: the case of

Winter can be a hard time for singles. It’s cold outside, there’s nobody to cuddle with and it sucks to go to family parties all alone. Perfect time for dating websites to flood the city with advertising. These posters by, who claims to be the largest online meeting point for singles in Germany, can be found everywhere these days: Continue reading Advertising fail: the case of